Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Buzz about Illustrated Poetry Book

Hey guys, check out Wan-Tsunami Comics' latest update. Not only do they mention the illustrated poetry book that Wan-Tsunami artist Diana Busby is contributing to but it also mentions a gaming project that we can't wait to check out and you all should too. The blog also treats viewers to some excellent original artwork.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Accepting submissions for Zombie anthology

Source Point Press is very happy to announce it will be publishing a zombie themed anthology. From now until June 1, 2013 we will be accepting short stories, flash fiction, poems, and even black & white artwork for the anthology set to be released in time for Halloween 2013. The only rule is that the submissions cannot contain the "z" word in them.  Each contributor will receive a copy of the anthology. Please email your submission to sourcepointpress@gmail.com

As Fall Leaves blogspot about new comic series

Check out the Link! Illustrator Joshua Werner blogs about Source Point Press and the upcoming Jack of Spades comic book series.


Comic series Announcement

Source Point Press is excited to announce "Jack of Spades", the all new comic book series written by author Trico Lutkins and illustrated by Joshua Werner of As Fall Leaves Illustration! Coming soon in 2013!

Comic book series announced

We are very proud to announce that Josh Werner from As Fall Leaves Illustrated will be gracing the pages of our first comic book series. Look for it and the As Fall Leaves booth at Motor City Comic Con.

Illustrated Poetry book coming out in 2013

Source Point Press has signed artist Diana Busby from Wan-Tsunami Comics to illustrate a book of horror inspired poetry from writer Trico Lutkins.  Here is some of the artwork from the forthcoming book.

"The Scarecrow"  artwork by the dynamic Diana Busby

"The Jabbering Walkee" artwork by the daring Diana Busby

New Artist signed for upcoming Poetry book

We have signed Diana Busby of Wan-Tsunami Comics as the artist for our upcoming illustrated book of poetry. Check out her artwork on the Wan-Tsunami Comics webpage. It'll blow your mind.

Concept artwork from the comic releasing in 2013

"Port" concept art.

"Plasmaster" rough sketch

"Medic" concept artwork

"Dr. Splicer" rough sketch.

"Dice"  concept artwork.

"Cargo"  concept artwork.


Welcome to Source Point Press. Check out this page frequently for upcoming releases and calls for submissions.