
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Motor City Comic Con 2015 coverage

The middle of May is a very important time for the comic scene in  Michigan because that's when the state's largest comic book convention, Motor City Comic Con, takes place. As we have done in the last 3 years, Source Point Press completely rocked it!

Many of the backers that supported the Up the River Kickstarter were able to pick up their prizes at the Motor City Comic Con which was also the release of the series.
Local horror writer and gorgeous vixen, Montilee Stormer, shows off her Kickstarter prizes.

Batman picks up some pointers from the Jack of Spades!

World renown Batman expert, Ken Johnson, enjoys the Jack of Spades series.
Sporting a SPP tee shirt and purchasing a copy of Source Point's first ever graphic novel, Zombie Rush Riot. Now that's pointer pride!

 These folks know a good pulp detective comic when they see it!
 This mischievous fellow, Big Dev, from the Snake Oil Comics Podcast was gracious enough to bring the SPP staff some cupcake with the secret ingredient... Love! (or maybe some Kahlua, lol)

 Mardot the Mystorian picked up both Jack of Spades #0 and #1. Check out his upcoming reviews of everyone's parahuman private eye!