
Monday, April 20, 2015

SPP's very own, Joshua Werner will be rocking the Source Point Logo at C2E2

Not only is Source Point Press' art director and Jack of Spades co-creator, Joshua Werner, attending C2E2 in Chicago this weekend but he will also be launching two new comics for SPP.

Zombie Rush Riot is not only Source Point's first graphic novel, but its also based on the hit mobile app video game. The story is written by Eric Roman and illustrated by Joshua Werner, Tom Bacon and Eric Roman. ZRR is being released at C2E2 in Chicago this weekend!

Jack of Spades is back too! JoS #1 is being re-released at C2E2 will a very special variant cover based on the movie poster from
"This Gun for Hire."

So don't miss all the fun this weekend in Chicago.
April 24th-26th.