
Monday, July 28, 2014

Meet SPP Mondays: The Dazzling Diana Busby

Many of you have seen our booths and tables at conventions and you have probably meet the co-founders, Joshua Werner and Trico J. Lutkins.  Some of you may have even meet our elusive (and alluring) intern, Jaimee.  However, Source Point Press owes a big part of its success to the artwork and hard work of Diana Busby.  She has contributed her mad talents to artwork in Delightfully Wicked Poetic Tales, Alter Egos Volume I, Alter Egos Volume II, and Weird Little Kid.  When she's not creating brilliant works of art, she's lending us her graphic design skills and helping some of our not-so computer savvy artists transfer their artwork into digital files. Diana's skills stem from not only her raw talent but also from studying sequential art at Michigan State University.  When she's not creating awesomeness for Source Point Press she's drawing amazing images from her wonderfully creative mind for her own company, Wan-Tsunami Illustrations.