
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Meet Source Point Mondays: The Amazing Paul Bradford

Paul Bradford is a writer of mostly comic books and poetry. His poetry works have appeared in Source Point Press’ Alter Egos Volumes 1 and 2 as well as Feast of the Dead: Hors D’oeuvres. His comic book works have appeared in numerous anthologies around the traps over the last few years. Coming up in 2014, Paul has works appearing in Indie Comics Magazine #8 (available to order right now in Aprils Previews), Gateways to Beyond by Gurukitty Studios, The Psychedelic Journal of Time Travel #4, SciFiMax digital Magazine issue 00, as well as Moose Crossing Issues 2 (out now) and 3. 
To keep up with all the new stuff that Paul is pumping out, please visit his blog page at: