
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

SPP is open for Fan Letters

Got questions for these guys?

Now you can have them answered!

    It has long been a tradition of comic book companies to have fan letter pages where fanboys (and girls) can ask questions, make comments, or just voice their adoration for their favorite artist and writers. 

    SPP would like to carry on in this tradition and now is your chance to get your letter printed in a comic! Are you a Jack of Spades fan? Source Point Press will soon be releasing the comic book “Source Point Presents #1," which will showcase short stories involving characters from the Jack of Spades universe. You’ll see some familiar faces from the pages of J.o.S., and you’ll also meet brand new characters that expand upon the universe! If you’ve read the Jack of Spades #0 issue, then you’re familiar with the character “Plasmaster” and the epic showdown between him and Spade. Source Point Presents #1 will feature a Plasmaster prequel story! Do you have any questions or comments about Plasmaster or the Jack of Spades universe? Now’s the time to write us and ask! We will be featuring some of the fan letters in Source Point Presents #1, as well as having Jack of Spades and Source Point Presents writer Trico J. Lutkins replying to them. Send your letters to us here on Facebook, or email them to us at Put “Fan Letter” in the subject line, and make sure to write “OK to print” after the letter, as well as your first name and your city and state (and country if you’re outside the US). We will not print any full names, just your first name and where you’re from. If your letter will end up being printed in the comic, we will most certainly let you know.